DrupalCamp NJ 2016

Auditorium 101

Sponsored by FFW.

Closing Remarks

Join us as we wrap up the day and discuss how to stay involved in the Drupal community!


Opening Remarks

Get important information about DrupalCampNJ 2016.

6 Drupal 8 Innovations You'll Want to Use NOW

Now that Drupal 8 has been released it's time to dive in. But with so many innovations in Drupal 8 where to start. This presentation will explore the most valuable innovations in Drupal 8 and offer examples illustrating why these features will become invaluable. We'll be stepping through some examples of how to use new features and what they may mean to developing with Drupal as they mature.

Drupal 8 Innovation we'll be exploring

Drupal 8 and the Benefits of Early Adoption

Becoming an early adopter has some risks, but it also has huge benefits.

Drupal 8 - Whats New in Core - Site Building

Spin the tires on D8 in this interactive session on Drupal site building

Drupal 8 is here and with it comes some new and exciting changes.  The site building component in D8 is chock full of new features and a fresh new look.  In this session we will explore some of what to expect when site building in Drupal 8 while getting hands on with stackstarter.io

Areas of exploration:

Drupal and the New Front-end Workflow

With all of the advancements that we've seen in Drupal the connection between Drupal and a solid front-end development process is still an enigma. Drupal, for a multitude of different reasons, has been labeled as being not so nice to work with as a front-end developer. I'm here to tell you, that's simply not the case! Drupal gives you all of the tools that we need to translate your beautiful html designs into flexible, configurable layouts. We just need to change our front-end development workflow.

Why Your Site is Slow

Speed is one feature many clients assume they will get but do not always ask for. In fact, you are more likely to hear your clients ask for features or functionality that will make the site slower. As the person or team developing the site you must often protect the speed of the site. This session will look at key areas in a site architecture where speed may suffer and how to structure your project to ensure they stay fast. Specifically:

Community Contributions to Boost Your Bottom Line

Everyone who uses open-source software (and understands where it comes from!) knows that they should contribute something back; it's the right thing to do. The various reasons so few people contribute are often valid: perceived high barrier to entry, my employer won't let me, I don't have the time, etc… Only a small percentage of folks realize that contributing isn't a purely altruistic activity. Contributing actually leads to personal gains in skills, finances, and connections  - and the community is not only okay with that, it actually supports it.

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